
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wow... :)

So many things to say, and not enough time to say it today! My heart is heavy yet happy and I can't even begin to describe it in words. Fall is somewhat here... it is cloudy and cool outside... Jeans and a t-shirt kind of weather. Both of the big kids have started school and this week will continue on with first for both of them! I love for my children to be on a schedule and to be challenged. I admit I have completely become lax on both as this past summer came around.... and so did my belly and my energy level drained itself!

Bryli started Parent's Day Out again at Midcities this past Thursday! She loved it and would not even hold my hand going inside. She said "I am a big girl and I know what I am doing" with a big ole smile on her sweet little face! I bawled!! (My mom said she is just getting me back for what I did to her... proud and independent!!!) She is growing up faster than her daddy and I would like but I do hope that her strong personality never dies! She has a heart of gold and a mind of her own!!!!!! I want to always remember her telling me she knows what she is doing at one minute but then remember her crawling into my bed in the middle of the night because she wanted a big squeeze from mommy. I LOVE HER!!! Here is her first day of school picture:

Also on Thursday, Brogan and I had our 2 week appointments. Everything was great, besides Brogan getting the all too hurtful PKU test!! He weighed a whopping 7 pounds and 14 ounces! I couldn't believe it! I knew that his cheeks were getting chunky but wow!! I wasn't expecting that to show up on the scale!! He is finally getting himself on a decent schedule at night and I could not be happier!! It is so much easier to function when my body is on a sleep schedule! Such a sweet boy! Here he is at the doctor's office... :)

Braydon started school today... He started at a Montessori School that Blake went to when he was little. I think this place will be great for Braydon's personality and he will do wonderfully!! He was so impressed with all of the dinosaur things everywhere! He was so excited that he was running around everywhere and wanting to touch everything! I am so proud of him and his "want to" attitude. He told me... "I'm excited but I will do great... I'm not scared at all!" I'm so proud of him. I wish his daddy could have been there to help me take him. He would have been sooo proud too! Here are some pictures of him from this morning:

My prayer for my children this year: To always believe in themselves, to soar beyond what they think they can do. To learn who they are and to learn more independence. To HAVE FUN!!! and to enjoy everything. To grow in relationships around them and to meet people who will always be a Godly influence on their lives. I pray that God always watch over them and give them the right attitudes and words to Bless the children and people around them. And I pray for Blake and I to always be able to help them, teach them, love them the way God loves us and to always be a positive influence in their lives as well.
They are growing so fast and I don't want to miss an opportunity to teach them and to show them the love of Christ!

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 11:18-20

1 comment:

  1. I love that showing and teaching your babies the love of Christ is a priority in your home. It's not easy but it sure is worth it! Keep it up!
