
Thursday, September 1, 2011


Oh How I have neglected this blog. I have and have had every intention of writing down EVERYTHING about my children. I feel like my mind is going crazy on most days. (okay, every day) I don't want to forget anything and it drives me crazy that my Baby is starting preschool on Wednesday! Brogan turned one on the 17th. He still isn't walking and I think I know why. Because his heart is so genuine and sweet. He just loves his mama and I DO NOT MIND THAT AT ALL!!! He is just precious! He would rather just be held. He knows that he will get there faster and he doesn't have to work at it. I have to say, he's pretty smart!
My Bryli is starting her second year of dance and her first year at Alpha! She's so good at dance and I have to admit, she just did not get that from me! She has some pretty fantastic aunts that can dance though... So its in her blood somewhere! :)
Braydon is just a sweet precious kind hearted boy! He and I have been butting heads a little lately but because he and I are so similar! I just love that he is his own person and he has a mind of his own. It will definitely help him out as he grows up. He is starting pre-school this year and I have to admit that I am sad. I am sad that I haven't taken full advantage of him!! There are so many memories to be made and so many that I feel like I missed out on! I know God has blessed me and Blake with a little boy that saved our lives and showed us love. God will continue to bless our time together.
I have really been praying about time-management and doing everything. Obviously, I can't do EVERYTHING. But I do strive to do the best I can at the things that I can get done. I went and listened to a speaker at church on Sunday at Girl's Night Out and she spoke about the Feminine Biblical Prospective. And goodness, it was great! I could so relate to everything she said. The thing that spoke the loudest was that my house is only being judged by me. When someone just "pops" in, they aren't thinking about anything but is it homey there?? is it comfortable? I know that personally I don't go to other peoples houses to look for their messes! I look for the love that they show others. I think I'm going to make a sign to remind myself that my house doesn't have to be perfect. just perfect in the love that it gives to others! I appreciate those times that I am humbled to my knees because where I am today was so not where I ever thought I would be now.
I got an email the other day about my 10 year reunion... WHOA! I can't believe that is coming up this next summer! I am now going to start working out so I can Look Good! :) No big deal though, I am not going on a massive diet, just to feel good! John 15:12, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”