
Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy Busy Bee...

Good Morning All!! It is again Monday and I am super excited to start a new week! We have been so busy that I don't even know what we have been doing. It rained all week, which is fine with me, but when you have two kids who love to go outside and swing and slide all day long, it is really hard to keep them entertained. They had MDO out Tuesday and Thursday and we had bible study on Wednesday so that definitely kept us busy as well!

Bryli got a big girl haircut this week and I wish I could figure out how to get my pictures from my phone onto this blog so you can see how cute she looks! Miss Cari gave her a "bob" which is just precious! Bryli absolutely loves it! *Don't worry, I will figure this picture thing out!*

Dave Ramsey: I have to say, if you haven't gone through one of his Financial Peace University classes..... YOU SHOULD!! It is fabulous! Not just in the, "I think about money completely different now." But the, "I am living my life completely different now then I was (more frugal) so that later in life... I can live like no one else!" Blake and I have been cutting coupons, researching deals, looking into "Coupon Mom" and learning all kinds of new things! I used to go to the grocery store and spend $150+ on anything that I needed at the grocery store... Now, I spend around $60-$70. Its amazing what a little time planning a menu and cutting coupons can do for you! I am still researching and trying to figure out how to get the $90 amount for only $5.00 or less! I will definitely keep you posted on this! And, I will let you know how I did it too! For our debt snowball, we are working on paying off our #2 debt out of 4!!!! I am super excited about this and to be able to check stuff off of this list is just an amazing feeling!

Well, we have about 3 weeks until the busy season slows down.... this is what all we have for the next 3 weeks:
- Blake's Birthday is tomorrow...
- Saturday is a friends birthday party and then a wedding that evening
- Sunday is Dave Ramsey's class and church and also Girls Night Out at Church
- This following week is all about finishing up final projects for Bryli's 2nd Birthday party
- The next Tuesday (which brings us into May) We get to take a look at Sweet Baby Boy at the Doctor's office
- Thursday is Mine and Blake's Anniversary 4 YEARS!!
- Saturday is Blake's Graduation from College, His Celebration Lunch and Bryli's birthday party
- Sunday is Dave Ramsey's Class, Church and Baptisms, and Mother's Day....

Whoooo that sure is alot of stuff going on! But God will provide for me to have plenty of energy and I can't wait! Such a sweet time of Praise and Celebration in our family!

I hope everyone has a sweet blessed day!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well... There's no surprise here!

Well, yesterday was a BIG day for our family!! We started out the day EARLY... and I mean ALL of us. When Bray is up in the morning, we are ALLLLLL up! haha! Anyways, he decided that since he was up, Bry needed to get up to, so he went and jumped on her bed and woke her up too. It was a long morning, to say the least :)

A few hours later, Blake and I went to the doctor for our big Sonogram of baby #3. I have had my bets on it being a boy from day 1, as well as Blake. But, we also had decided to not find out because we have a boy and a girl.... this would be a neat surprise for us, as well as everyone else! So.... we go into the sonogram room and the technician asked if we wanted to find out because she was going to respect our decision in that area... We had decided that if it was pretty obvious, then go ahead and tell us, but if not, then that is okay too. Well, she puts the machine on my stomach and low and behold the VERY FIRST THING we see is a BIG OLD BOY PART!!! Blake and I were so excited! Our family feels so Perfect now. I am extremely excited and I feel so blessed.

The second part of our big day yesterday was when Blake received his final letter for confirmation of Graduation on May 8th!!! Everyone is sooo extremely proud of him!! I couldn't be more excited for him... I know how hard he has had to work and how many late hours he has put in to finishing his homework and projects. He is so nervous that something is going to go wrong because he has worked so hard! But, he doesn't realize how big of a crowd is going to be in the audience yelling for him!!! Braydon and Bryli and I will be jumping soooooo extremely high in excitement!

Well, I will leave you with another picture from Easter, a cute little family photo:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's A New Day!

It's only 7 am and I am already up and ready to go for the day. Yesterday seemed like it just drug on.... I was exhausted but I think it is more because the sweet baby that is taking up room in my tummy is growing! Well, I sure hope that is what it is, anyway!!! I am bound and determined to have today be a lot better than yesterday! Now, if only I could control the wind :)

When I picked up the kids yesterday from PDO, Braydon had gotten into trouble for the first time... (I'm sure there have been other times, just none that I have been told about) and so that was hard to deal with. He is really acting out lately and I pray that he settles and that we can work through whatever is bothering him. I know he is growing up, he is 3 1/2 and there are all kinds of things going on, but I don't like it when he isn't happy! It will be okay though, Hubby and I are working on helping him out!!

This is a busy month, I feel like almost everyone I know is getting married or having a shower this month! Its crazy fun and I'm excited to go, but wow!! There sure are alot of weddings!!

I'm excited about Bible study this morning, this study has definitely brought my husband and I closer in so many ways. I love watching the things that God has done and played out in our lives! We are about to be married for 4 years (I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!). It seems like it was just a couple of months ago that we got married! Anyways, back to the study... There are some amazing women in there that I love to listen to talk and that I learn so much from. It is so nice to sit in company with strong christian women and know that my time is being well spent and that I am right where I need to be....

I'll leave you with this scripture that I had focused on last night while I was finishing up my study for today:

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8
- Amen... nothing good can come into your life or from you until you rely on God for EVERYTHING!!

p.s. visit my cousins blog for updates on your sweet baby boy. He has SVT and can use all the prayer he can get. Thank you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hello All!! It is the beginning of April and we have had alot of changes since January 1st!! We have moved into a new house and finally feel somewhat settled there and we have been busy doing something EVERY weekend since we have moved. I will just post some pictures and go from there :)

Well, this is my little man at his Valentine's day party. He was so proud of his heart!

This is my little lady... so excited to see what she got!

Happy Easter from Little Lady!

Happy Easter from little man!