
Friday, September 17, 2010

A Little of my life...

Good Morning!! I hope this post find everyone rested... because some people around here need to be rested to function! But, according to EACH one of my children... mama doesn't need to be rested, what are you talking about?? Mama doesn't sleep! HA! Last night, Brogan finally went to sleep about 10, just like every night. I had just gotten settled into my nice, warm, soft, comfy bed with my pillow that I stole from Blake (because it is the best pillow and soft and squishy!) before he got into bed... It was AMAZING!
Well, fast forward to 15 minutes later (mind you, I am completely passed out) Bryli comes to visit our bedroom... Take her back to bed.... Fast forward to 1:25, (after 4 other visits between) I hear, hey mama... good morning... I'm just hangin out... wanted to come see you! If you haven't guessed by now, she has figured out that she can reach her door handle and she thinks she can visit anyone in the middle of night! Places I found my daughter last night: The top of her brothers bunk bed, the top of the bar, in the pantry, sitting by Brogans pack in play in our room, and snuggled in beside me singing amazing grace to me while I am passed out! Ha! You have to love her adventurous spirit!!!

Little Bryli started Dance this last week! She is always dancing around the house, trying to teach her daddy what she learned... She always says that she had a blast!! I'm so happy for her!

We took Little Brogan to meet his Great Great Grandmother... I love my nana!! She is so sweet and amazing!! I am so glad she is here to meet little man!! I have the sweetest picture of them too!! Doesn't this picture show you the blessings of how much grandparents love their legacies... ?!?!?!

And this is Brogan and his Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother:

And this is his Gigi and his brother and sister, He is very loved!:

I love pictures that show the history and people in the lives of our children!! Family is the most important thing in the world!! Always hold tight to your family!! They are the only ones that love you.... No Matter What!! All your craziness and everything :)

My sweet children, they found the baby powder in my room... While I was nursing... I don't get up while I am nursing because it scares the poor baby... so therefore, I kind of shut out anything "wrong" that the other kids are doing while I am nursing. Here is a picture of my sweet Braydon and Bryli: I laugh now!! I really do! and I laughed then too because I wanted to take a picture of the "evidence" and a picture for their daddy!

It is Halloween at our house:

Have a great day!!

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
- Titus 2:3-5

1 comment:

  1. I love that verse!!!

    What an amazing picture of your babies in the powder!!! Priceless!!!
